Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Paul Roux Village Day 27 October

The Paul Roux Forum, restaurants and coffee shops, the NGK and APK churches, as well as Paul Roux veteran car owners, together with visitors from the Maluti Antique Auto Club, all came together to have a market/bazaar and veteran car morning in front of the Smit Saal in Voortrekker Street, Paul Roux, from 9am to 13h00 on Saturday the 27th October 2012.

The Maluti car club arrived in convoy at 10am to join local veteran and classic cars exhibited together in the street, whilst people enjoyed the offering of the market and church bazaar tables, and of course home-made baking, etc.. Breakfast, coffee, cake and lunch was also available at the Stoep Café and Pink Tricycle and from the tables.

A good atmospehere prevailed and everyone enjoyed the morning.

Paul Roux itself was able to field a group of 12 veteran and classic cars to make a very nice line up with the visitors from the Maluti Antique Auto club of about 30 cars.

Edward van den Berg - Local artist excels at Aardklop Festival

Edward van Den Berg, an artist resident in Paul Roux village, did exceptionally well at the Aardklop Festival 2012 at the beginning of this month. With paintings ranging in price from R7500 to R18 000, he sold  eleven, and returned home with six commissions, and two extra galleries in Johannesburg that will be hanging his future art.

Edward specialises in wildlife, birdlife and Free State landscapes. He has been selected by WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of SA) to be part of the select group of artists who qualify to exhibit on their international 'Arty for Wildlife'  web site.

Here are some more examples of his work 

Edwards website is

Paul Roux Village currently has 6 artists resident, and has numerous other arts and crafts people to enrich its village life.