Personally I have found it a very busy first three months, but
it seems that many people are feeling more positive about the year than they
did about 2012. There have been so many birthday parties etc – so lots of people
have been having a good time.
We had lots of good rains this summer which has been fantastic
as poor Senekal has had hardly any. However, the heavy rains did do a lot of
damage to our village roads which had been looking really good. But I am
thankful to Ruben and his team for filling all the potholes in the tar, and the
municipal sidewalks and the park etc have been nicely cleaned up.
We had the Maluti Antique Auto and Machine Club have a breakfast
run to the Rosenhof Hotel where we enjoyed a truly excellent breakfast – the
food was commented on by all – I was proud of the spread. I also used the
opportunity to tell people some of the history of Paul Roux and some of our
plans moving forward. Within the Car Club were two members who had both been
Head Boys of the Paul Roux School in their youth, and over 50 years ago
had partied at the Rosenhof Hotel when it was owned by its original owner. For
them it was a nostalgic moment. They were so pleased with how well the Rosenhof
had been restored.
We now have 10 horses in Paul Roux that are ridden about the
village, it’s great to see Paul Rouxsters out and about on their horses. We
certainly intend to encourage more of the horse riding community. I recently
bought a mountain bike to enjoy the local scenery only to discover that we have
several cyclists in the village, and so hopefully we can do a Paul Roux group
ride one day.
I must congratulate Emmarencia and Lourens Gouws on their Dino
Antiques shop and tea garden – it is really looking good and I know all the
hard work that has gone into it. It has made a huge difference to the
Kaallaagte Road entrance to the village.
Cedric has now opened a restaurant next to the Rock and away
from the pub where people can dine in a quieter environment and they intend to
also start with breakfasts, cakes and coffee. We now have the petrol station
well and truly open and operating 7 days a week from 6am to 8pm. Along with the
garage there is a quickshop also open from 6am to 8pm and they sell,
apart from the usual, fresh meat, veggies, take-aways, cell pre-paids etc.
There have been houses sold and houses bought, renovations
continue around the village, and I predict that when the historic problem of
‘Paul Roux has a water problem’ has gone with the new pipeline, that we are
going to see a lot of interest in this village. Visitors that weekend with me all leave loving the place.
Please try and get involved in things happening in the village
when you can. Some people make their lives count and others watch as life goes
by. Make sure you are making a difference. Get out and about and enjoy the weather as well – soon it will
be cold again.
Richard Lewis